Varicose veins treatment with CLaCS technique

Dr. Waleed El Daly Contact us WhatsApp

Dr. Waleed El-Daly, assistant professor of vascular surgery and peripheral catheterization, treats varicose veins using a new technique called ClaCS. In this article, we will know more about the new ClaCS technique and how to use it to treat varicose veins.

First: What do varicose veins mean?
Varicose veins occurs due to the inefficient functioning of the valves in some veins. A large amount of blood accumulates inside these veins, causing their swelling, then varicose veins appear in a dark blue or red color.
Some assume that varicose veins have no effect and their treatment is only a aesthetic procedure, but Doctors found that varicose veins cause severe pain to the patient and can cause much greater problems and complications, up to serious diseases related to blood flow.

Second: What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
- Blue or purple veins appearance.
- Pain or heaviness in the varicose veins.
- Muscle spasm and swelling of the varicose veins.
- Great pain after standing or sitting for long periods.
- Itching around the diseased vein.
- Skin ulcers and sores at the site of the varicose veins. In this case, the patient must visit the doctor immediately.

Third: Are there causes or factors that increase the risk of varicose veins?
Yes, many factors increase the risk of developing varicose veins, including:
Aging increases the risk of varicose veins, as the softness and elasticity of the veins are affected with age, and the valves responsible for blood flow against gravity become weaker with age. Varicose veins show blue color due to their lack of blood.
Pregnancy and childbirth:
Pregnancy increases the amount of blood in the body but reduces blood flow from the legs to the pelvis because the blood circulation works to support the fetus first. But these varicose veins improve with time, without any medical treatment, within three months after labor.
Women are more susceptible to varicose veins than men due to pregnancy, childbirth, and her hard work throughout the day.
Genetic factors:
A family history of varicose veins increases the risk of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to general health and follow daily instructions to reduce the risk of varicose veins.
Standing for long periods.

Fourth: Are there complications of varicose veins?
Dr. Waleed Al-Daly explains the danger of not treating varicose veins because they can develop ulcers or blood clots. Therefore, he recommends treating varicose veins as soon as possible.

Fifth: How to treat varicose veins:
The steps of treating varicose veins depend on self-treatment, but some cases require the intervention of the  physician to block the veins or remove them, and among those treatment methods are the following:
Practicing sports: 
Exercising is necessary because it helps relieve pain and prevents the deterioration of varicose veins. This does not require strenuous exercise but only simple exercises on an ongoing basis.
Wearing rubber socks:
Wearing rubber stockings is the first step in most cases. The elastic stockings are worn all day long to apply pressure on the leg. This helps improve the strength of blood flow in the leg veins and muscles.
When purchasing elastic stockings, make sure that the size is appropriate so that it is not larger than the leg or creates intolerable pressure on the leg. In the case of  hand weakness or joint inflammation, you can use special devices to help wear these socks.
Varicose veins sclerotherapy:
It is the treatment of small and medium varicose veins by injecting a special medical solution that blocks the  diseased veins and makes them disappear within a few weeks. This technique is effective and does not require anesthesia.
Laser treatment of varicose veins:
The laser treats small and spider veins by sending powerful light flashes intravenously then the veins disappear slowly. One of the advantages of the laser is that it is a non-surgical treatment and does not require injections.
Treatment of varicose veins by catheterization: 
For large veins, catheterization is preferred where laser or thermal frequency is used in the procedure. The doctor inserts a thin tube “catheter” into the diseased vein, then heats its tip with a laser or thermal frequency. The high temperature then destroys the diseased vein and closes it completely at once.

Sixth: What are the daily precautions for varicose veins patient?
Varicose veins patient has to pay attention to the details of his day to prevent condition deterioration and help his self-treatment. It is done through the following:
- Get rid of excess weight.
- Wear comfortable and  non-tight clothes.
- Lift the legs while sitting.
- Avoid sitting or standing for long periods.
- Maintain a healthy diet full of fiber and free of salt.
The goal is to improve blood circulation and tighten the body muscles to reduce the risk of varicose veins and their discomfort sense.

Seventh: What is the new CLaCS technique for treating varicose veins?
CLaCS is a new and innovative technique for treating varicose veins by combining more than one specialized method of treatment, namely:
1. Intense laser.
2. Sclerotherapy.
3. Cooling to prevent pain.
Varicose veins are treated with CLaCS by directing an intense laser through the skin on the diseased vein, and then performing the sclerotherapy step by injecting a special solution to treat varicose veins. Both are done with direct cooling rays at the treatment site to prevent pain.

Eighth: What are the advantages of CLaCS varicose veins treatment?
- The use of more than one technique, laser and sclerotherapy, ensures more effective varicose veins treatment.
- Using the cooling technique prevents any pain during the session.
- There is no need for surgery or surgical incision.
- Directing the laser through the skin is more specific to the diseased blood vessels, which means a better aesthetic result.
- Venous reflux cases, determined by the Color Doppler, can be cured in the same procedure and steps.
- Effective results and quick return to daily life responsibilities.

Ninth: Questions regarding the new CLaCS technology:
1. Is CLaCS treatment painful?
The flow of cold air at the site of the laser treatment helps to get rid of the heat of the laser waves, which prevents feeling any pain during the treatment session.
2. When will the results of the CLaCS treatment appear?
If you treat spider veins, you can expect visible results within two weeks of the treatment session. The veins gradually improve until the final result is achieved within a month or two, depending on the case.
3. When can you return to daily life?
The patient can return to his daily activities within a few hours determined by the doctor, as CLaCS technique is performed in the clinic.
4. Is it necessary to wear medical stockings after performing the CLaCS technique?
There is no need to wear medical stockings. On the contrary, you can enjoy wearing your preferred clothes with confidence and freedom.
