Leg bypass surgeries

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Arteries are an essential source of human's life, as they carry blood loaded with oxygen to all parts of the body, and if any of them become blocked, they become unable to transfer blood in sufficient quantities to the affected part of the body, so it must be detected early and treated appropriately. One of the goals of leg bypass surgeries is to restore the function of arteries to work again by replacing the affected arteries due to dilation, narrowing, or blockage to restore blood flow to all parts of the body.

How does occlusive peripheral arterial disease occur?
Substances that contain fat and cholesterol accumulate on the artery wall, which leads to the narrowing of the artery, and it may lead to an absolute occlusion, as atherosclerosis is a disease caused by the accumulation of layers of fatty deposits on the inner walls of the arteries.

There are several factors which increase the risk of occlusive peripheral arterial disease, which including:
-Frequent smoking.
-Overweight and obese.
-Aging and lack of physical activity.
-Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases, and high cholesterol level.
-Genetic factors. 
-Frequent eating of fried foods, which are rich in unhealthy fats.

There are some preventive measures that you can follow them to reduce the risk of occlusive periheral arterial disease by:
-Regular physical activity, as it helps in improving blood circulation in the legs.
-Quit Smoking.
-Control high blood pressure.
-Get rid of excess weight.
-Follow a diet, and eat healthy foods that are low in fat and rich in fiber.
-Control the level of blood glucose in diabetic patient and avoid it's rise.
-Regular follow-ups with the doctor.
-Avoid medications that decrease blood flow, such as those containing the following compounds: pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine.
Several studies and research have confirmed a decrease in the incidence of peripheral arterial disease and the reduction of it's complications after adhering to preventive measures by following a healthy life and building new healthy habits.

What are the symptoms of the occlusive peripheral arterial disease?
-Foot pain occurs when walking, and usually goes away after a few minutes of rest, and it's severity ranges from mild to severe.
-Hair loss in the legs and feet.
-Feeling numbness in the legs.
-Nails grow slowly and are weak.
-The appearance of ulcers that do not heal on the feet.
-Change in the color of the skin of the legs, as it may turn blue or become pale.
-Shining in the skin of the feet and legs.
-If you have diabetes, you need to follow up regularly with your doctor to check your feet constantly.
-Gangrene occurs as a result of tissue death due to a lack of blood supply to it.

What are the complications of occlusive peripheral arterial disease?
The untreated occlusive peripheral arterial disease may lead to serious diseases, which include the following:
-Heart attack: permanent damage to the heart muscle due to insufficient blood flow to the heart for a long time.
-Stroke: interruption of blood flow to the brain.
-Transient ischemic seizure: temporary interruption of blood flow to the brain.
-Kidney artery disease: It occurs as a result of a narrowing or blockage in the artery that supplies blood to the kidneys.
-Amputation: Partial or total removal of a foot or leg, especially in a person who suffers from diabetes.

Surgery may be performed in severe cases that affect the patient's ability to carry out his daily activities, who have leg pain at rest, or who have persistent ulcers that do not heal in the leg.

Importance of leg bypass surgery:
Leg arterial bypass surgeries work to restore blood flow to the limbs and restore the function of the arteries, as the arteries carry blood loaded with food and oxygen to all parts of the body, and each artery specializes in sending blood to a specific area in the body, and in the event of occlusion, it becomes unable to transport blood in appropriate quantities.

How does bypass surgery do?
There are arteries in the body that depend on them in cases of wanting to change the arteries, as the Long Saphenous Vein in the legs, which is considered the best in cases of changing the arteries of the heart and the peripheral arteries in the legs or resorting to the use of arteries which made of industrial materials that are not rejected by the body and do not cause clots, and  they are available in different sizes and lengths to suit the arteries, also in some cases “vein stripping” is used in which a cut is made in the top of the leg and another cut behind the knee joint, in which the vein is fixed or what is called “vein binding” and is done through a wire that draws the entire vein from the cut located at the top of the leg “upper thigh.” The method of surgery depends on the location of the occlusion in the artery and It's severity.

Before undergoing leg bypass surgery:
In this surgery, the patient’s condition must be fully examined, and the vascular surgeon should know the medical history of the patient, especially in the case of chronic diseases that he may suffer from such as diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, and high blood pressure, also the vascular surgeon will ask the patient to make several medical examinations, color Doppler, and CT scans on the arteries of the Leg to determine the location of the occlusion and treat it as soon as possible to avoid any serious complications, and before the day of the surgery, you must avoid taking any fluids, and avoid smoking.

After leg bypass surgery:
The patient must stay for some time under observation to ensure that there are no complications occur after the surgery, and all doctor's instructions must be followed to avoid any risks such as infection, bleeding, or swelling in the leg.

Is it possible to recover from peripheral arterial disease?
You can prevent the risks and complications of occlusive peripheral arterial disease by following the instructions that we have previously mentioned. You should neglect the symptoms that you feel, as early diagnosis helps to treat the condition and improve it significantly and avoid any complications.

Best doctor for leg bypass surgery:
Prof. Dr. Waleed El-Daly, Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery at Cairo University, offers the treatment of all peripheral arterial diseases through the therapeutic catheter, aortic aneurysm repair, arterial connections, aortic surgery, and leg bypass surgeries, and Dr. Waleed El-Daly stresses the need to visit a doctor in these cases:
-If feeling of pain increases over time.
-Constant muscle spasms.
-Difficulty walking.
-The occurrence of ulcers and infections.
-Heart palpitations, dizziness, or nausea.
-Chest pain with shortness of breath.

If you suffer from the occlusive peripheral arterial disease, book now an appointment for a medical examination and consult Dr. Waleed El-Daly, Assistant Professor of Vascular Surgery and Diabetic Foot Treatment, about your health condition. Dr. Waleed El-Daly is considered the best vascular surgeon to treat peripheral arterial diseases by using the latest advanced medical methods outside Egypt in Europe and America Or inside Egypt to help his patients to recover faster.
