Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
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Information about Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms

Increased heart rhythm speed may be due to common reasons, such as: doing extra effort, or feelings of fear or stress, and may also be due to other much more serious reasons as increase in pulse rate, which is one of the most important symptoms of Aortic Aneurysm and dysfunction, this problem that makes the patient exposed to several risks, usually accompanied by an increase in pulse and other symptoms, which we will learn about in this article.

Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms:
Aortic Aneurysm cases are difficult to identify them through the symptoms because they are common symptoms that are not specific to this problem alone, so in most cases the problem is detected by accident through medical examinations during tracking or exploring other diseases, but when the situation deteriorates, the artery becomes prone to rupture, and the following symptoms begin to appear, some of which appear suddenly:
• Abdominal pain where the aorta passes, and in severe cases the patient may feel different types of pain that could reach other areas, such as the back.
• Increasing the speed of heart rhythm is one of the symptoms of artery aneurysm that cannot be ignored and can be felt by the patient.
• The heartbeat sensation in the abdominal area, because the blood pumping process becomes more visible in the abdomen.
• There is a drop and decrease in blood pressure.
• The breathing process becomes more difficult, even when doing the simplest daily activities, which hampers the patient's movement or hard work.

Aortic Aneurysm Causes:
Aortic Aneurysm is not limited to a single cause, but the list includes more than one cause, the most common cause is atherosclerosis, which occurs by the formation of lipids on the artery wall during which the flow of blood becomes more difficult than normal. Infections are also a cause of the weakness and aneurysm of the artery wall, in addition to the patient's high blood pressure, and the genetic factors and pathological history of the patient's family cannot be ignored.
On the other side, the weakness of artery walls may be due to a defect in the construction of artery walls, usually due to the lack of adequate proteins responsible for strengthening the artery and its flexibility.

Aortic Aneurysm Tests:
Doctors were able to diagnose Aortic Aneurysm by physical or clinical examination, only in cases where the aneurysm reaches relatively large measurements, but the lower the aneurysm rate the less likely the ability to physically diagnose, so the role of medical examinations comes, and from the most important examinations are:
• Ultrasound Examination: used in the diagnosis of blood vessel damage in the abdomen, also allows to monitor the condition of the artery, and determine the extent of its diameter.
• CT scan: It is known as dye rays, where the patient is injected with a dye that creates a contrast in the area to be photographed so that the results come out more accurate and specific with regard to the extent of aneurysm spread to the artery, as well as checking the number of arteries and organs in the area surrounding the injury, but the use of dye is relatively unsafe on the kidneys; So this test is not recommended for patients with kidney disease.
•Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The MRI scan reaches a high degree of accuracy, from which the doctor gets all the information on the state of the aorta in terms of damage, aneurysm and rupture, and upon obtaining the results, the doctor determines the available treatment methods.

Treatment of Aortic Aneurysm:
The Vascular Surgeon, go for the treatment of the aneurysm or rupture of the aorta, through the placement of a stent in the artery, and the surgery is performed with the two most famous techniques.

Stent placement by Catheter:
The surgery begins with relatively small surgical incisions at the top of the thigh, these cracks allow the insertion of the thin tube of the catheter into the body, and when determining the location of the aneurysm in the aorta, the doctor controls the stage of placement of the stent to strengthen the weak or ruptured part of the wall.

Stent placement by Traditional Surgery:
As the term, traditional surgery or open surgery, here the surgeon does not rely on any means of body intervention to display the abdominal cavity, but during which the doctor makes a significant incision in the abdomen above the aortic aneurysm position.
The abdominal contents are then removed to detect the artery, and then the most important stage in the surgery is to get rid of the damaged parts of the artery and place the stent in the artery, after which the artery becomes stronger and returns to its function by pumping blood from the heart towards the different parts of the body.
