Arterial occlusion
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Arterial occlusion treatment without surgery

What are the ways to treat arterial occlusion without surgery?
The method used to treat peripheral arterial occlusion without surgery varies according to several variable factors, which are:
-The patient's age.
-The location of the occlusion, as occlusion in vital or critical areas of the body, is not treated as the occlusion that could happen in less dangerous areas.
-The type of occlusion, as there are some methods used to treat partial occlusion may not be suitable for total occlusion.
-The factor causing the occlusion.

Components of the circulatory system in the human body:
The circulatory system in the human body consists of two main components:
 1- The heart: It is the important part of the body that is responsible for the delivery of blood to all parts of the body.
 2- Blood vessels: They are the tubes through which blood flows. These vessels, in turn, are divided into two main parts:
 -Veins: The tubes that pump blood from the body's organs to the heart.
 -Arteries: They are the tubes that carry blood loaded with oxygen from the heart to all parts of the body. A blockage or narrowing may occur in one of these arteries will lead to a dysfunction in the process of blood transmission to various organs. These organs are affected due to a lack of or poor blood supply to them, and sometimes this occlusion may cause a direct threat to human's life if it is found in some critical areas of the body.

What do we mean by arterial occlusion?
Arterial occlusion means the narrowing or closure that occurs in the arteries and leads to problems in the flow of blood to the various organs of the body, whether this narrowing or blockage is caused by some factors such as smoking, wrong eating habits, or aging.

How do leg arteries get blocked?
The occlusion may occur as a result of the gradual accumulation of fat on the inner walls of the arteries, and the blockage may occur as a result of high blood viscosity, and an increase in the deposits that collect on the inner walls of the arteries.

What are the factors causing arterial occlusion?
We mentioned that the arteries are the tubes that carry blood from the heart to the different organs of the body and for this transfer to be carried out in a direct way two elements must meet:
-First: The safety of the transporting tubes, which means, the safety of the arteries themselves.
-Second: The safety of the fluid that is transmitted through these tubes, which means, the safety of the blood.

This means that the occlusion of the arteries of the foot may occur due to reasons related to the arteries themselves or due to reasons related to the blood transmitted in them. Below we list some factors or reasons that lead to arterial occlusion:
The factors related to the arteries: They are the factors that cause the inner lumen of the arteries to narrow, and thus affect the process of blood flowing through it to the different parts of the body, and the most important of these factors are: the gradual accumulation of fat on the inner walls of the arteries, due to wrong eating habits.
Blood-related factors: They are changes that occur in the properties of the blood which cause poor blood flow and difficulty in it's transmission in the arteries, and the most important of these factors are:
Increased blood viscosity due to high blood glucose levels in diabetic patients and blood deposits are also increased in smokers, and hypertensive patients.
Other factors such as:
1-Genetic factors: such as some types of genetic anemia, and genetic fluidity problems.
2-Psychological factors: such as persistent stress and illness.
3-Pathological factors: where the occlusion of the arteries of the foot occurs as a complication of some other diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart diseases.

What are the ways to prevent arterial occlusion?
To prevent arterial occlusion, there is a list of tips and behavioral instructions recommended by vascular surgeons, and we mention the two most important ones:
-Quit smoking and stay away from direct contact with smokers.
-Doing regular exercise to activate blood circulation constantly, and avoid wrong eating habits that lead to the accumulation of fat, and high cholesterol in the blood.

What are the ways to treat arterial occlusion in the foot without surgery?
-Pharmacological and behavioral therapy: It is considered one of the methods of treating arterial occlusion without surgery by using some drugs that increase blood flow, doing some regular exercise regularly, avoiding smoking, and following the correct eating habits.
-Treatment with simple surgeries: such as therapeutic catheters, and stenting.
-Treatment with major surgeries: such as stenting surgery in critical areas, and open-heart surgery.

Why is it preferable to treat arterial occlusion without surgery in some cases?
Sometimes surgical intervention may cause some risks to some elderly patients, in addition to the fact that the location of the occlusion may not be critical or dangerous, the vascular surgeons drug treatment only for elderly patients with the recommendation of some behavioral instructions to improve the rate of blood flow to different parts of the body.

Dr. Waleed Al-Daly, a consultant vascular surgeon and peripheral catheter, is a vascular surgeon who specializes in the treatment of diabetic foot and diabetic foot gangrene, and the treatment of varicose veins with laser and injection. He also treats atherosclerosis with catheters and repairs aortic aneurysms by installing stents and arterial connections for patients with Hemodialysis. Dr. Waleed Al-Daly also has great experience in performing various vascular surgeries, including aortic artery surgeries, leg bypass surgeries, and dissolving vein thrombosis.

Dr. Waleed Al-Daly worked in many major hospitals inside and outside Egypt, in Germany, Britain, and the United States of America, and obtained many certificates and training outside Egypt, which added to his scientific knowledge and his extensive practical experience.
Dr. Waleed Al-Daly received his PhD in surgery in 2010, and before that, he held a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons in England in 2009, in addition to a fellowship at Kiel University in Germany to dilate the peripheral arteries of the foot by therapeutic catheters, and a fellowship at the University of Colin in Germany also in artery stenting.
