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Doctor Waleed El Daly is the best vascular doctor in Egypt

The best vascular doctor in Egypt:
Vascular therapy requires great skill and experience to help the patient receive the appropriate treatment and achieve good results.
Therefore, Dr. Waleed El-Daly is considered the best vascular doctor in Egypt due to his experience in treating different cases easily and with high success rates, in addition to his experience in treating diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic foot gangrene, and varicose veins.

Diabetic foot treatment:
A diabetic foot is exposed to injuries due to the disruption of the peripheral nerves and the insufficient blood supply to the feet; this leads to the development of ulcers that are difficult to heal.
The treatment is carried out after diagnosing the condition by the best vascular surgeon, who prescribes some medications to prevent infections. The surgeon removes the dead tissue to prevent the spread of the infection to the rest of the foot. Also, controlling hyperglycemia is required to avoid complications.
Dr. Waleed El-Daly, holds a fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England since 2009, is considered one of the best diabetic therapists in Egypt.

Foot gangrene treatment:
Treatment is carried out through the following methods:
Use of intravenous antibiotics.
Going for surgery to remove dead tissue and prevent the spread of gangrene. It is also possible to rebuild the skin by skin grafting.
Oxygen therapy by placing the patient inside a room containing high-pressure oxygen to prevent bacterial growth and help the diseased parts to heal.

Treatment of vascular diseases in the foot:
Vascular diseases lead to narrowing the size of the blood vessel in a way that affects the flow of blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to the body organs, including the limbs.
Dr. Waleed El-Daly follows some steps in the treatment of vascular diseases, including:
- Change the wrong lifestyle and adopt healthy habits such as quitting smoking, exercising, eating healthy food, getting rid of excessive weight, and maintaining normal blood glucose levels.
- Intake of medications that help improve the condition, such as Hypertensive drugs, and drugs that prevent blood clots.
- Perform surgeries through catheterization to remove the blockage in the artery. 

Varicose veins services:
The presence of varicose veins is considered a health problem that harms the shape of the legs. They appear in the form of prominent veins in red and blue colors. In addition to the annoying shape of the feet, they sometimes cause pain, which affects the performance of daily activities such as standing or walking normally.
Dr. Waleed El-Daly treats varicose veins using advanced medical techniques away from surgeries that require complex procedures. The treatment is carried out through:
Varicose veins laser treatment:
This technique uses high-temperature laser beams to close the varicose vein and prevent blood flow into it again.
It is a simple procedure carried out by Dr. Waleed El-Daly using modern medical devices. Laser treatment has a high cure rate of 98%.
Treatment of varicose veins by injection:
A liquid is injected into the affected veins using a fine needle. This causes blood vessels to shrink and disappear after a while. It is recommended to wear compression stockings after the procedure, to apply pressure on the injected veins.
Varicose veins treatment with CLaCS technique:
The modern CLaCS technology enabled Dr. Waleed El-Daly to provide both the advantages of laser and injection to the varicose veins patient.

Treatment of leg artery stenosis:
The function of the arteries is to pump blood to all parts of the body, but sometimes they are subjected to blockage as a result of the accumulation of fat and cholesterol on the inner walls of the artery. This affects the normal blood flow to the organs. Arteries of the extremities are more susceptible to blockage leading to function deficiency and pain.
Treatment is through a simple medical procedure in which the patient is subjected to local anesthesia. The doctor then uses a catheter with a balloon. Upon reaching the blocked artery, it is inflated to widen the narrowing. In some cases, metal stents are installed inside the artery to avoid its blockage in the future.
